Now, I want you to contact the NYPD for every all-points juvenile runaways in New York City. I don't know what the hell you're talking about." (Tom Fox) "Carl, slow down, slow down.(Tom Hanks) "Now get this: he reads comic books.(Tom Hanks) "What are you talking about?".(Kid) "Captives of the Cosmic Ray, The Big Freeze, Land of the Golden Giants.(Christopher Walken) "Now, all we have to do is catch him.".(Christopher Walken) "You know, Carl, I think this guy's pretty smart.".(Tom Hanks) "Make sure there's enough money in there to make it worth your while -".(Christopher Walken) "Well, if it were me, you know, I'd call the bank first - check out the balance -".(Tom Hanks) "You're saying he's a local?".He washes off their names and he puts on his own." (Christopher Walken) "I'll bet this guy steals checks out of mailboxes.(Tom Hanks) "Is that the truth, Frank? Is that the truth?".(Tom Hanks) "How did you do it, Frank? How did you cheat on the bar exam in Louisiana?".Maybe a nail polish remover where the acetone removes the ink that's not been printed?" I mean, this isn't hydrochloride or bleach." (Christopher Walken) "But it's perfect, Carl.
The only thing original is the signature."
(Christopher Walken) "It's a real check.". (Tom Hanks) "Cashed in Flagstaff a week ago. (Christopher Walken) "Mind if I take a look?". (Tom Hanks) "There's impressions on every line - looks like the original amount was for $60 -". Yeah, we'd love to hear a joke from you." (Tom Hanks) "Well, would you like to hear me tell a joke?". (Christopher Walken) "I mean, how long?". (Tom Hanks) "7:15 in the morning, 4:00 in the afternoon, 45 minutes for lunch.". (Christopher Walken) "Carl, how long do I have to work here?". (Christopher Walken) "What's she gonna be, a shoe salesman at a centipede farm?". She said something about going to look for a job." (Christopher Walken) "Where's your mother?". (Christopher Walken) "Do you know what would happen if the IRS found out I was driving around in a new coupe? I took the train here, Frank. (Christopher Walken) "Dear Dad, you always told me that an honest man has nothing to fear, so I'm trying my best not to be afraid.". I'm just a kid in love with your daughter." (Christopher Walken) "The truth is I'm not a doctor or a lawyer. (Christopher Walken) "Ah, people only know what you tell them, Carl.". (Doctor Harris) "Concur with what, sir?". I mean, if it's real, where's the crease?" When your mom hands you a note to miss school, the first thing you do is, you fold it and you put it in your pocket. (Christopher Walken) "Yeah, but there's no crease in the paper. (Joanna) "It's - It's a note from my mom. (Christopher Walken) "Hey - You should fold it.". (Christopher Walken) "No, it's 'cause the other teams can't stop staring at those damn pinstripes.". (Christopher Walken) "'Cause they have Mickey Mantle?". (Christopher Walken) "You know why the Yankees always win, Frank?". (Amy Adams) "Frank? Frank? You're not a Lutheran?". Brenda, I ran away from home a year and a half ago when I was 16." I'm not a lawyer, or a Harvard graduate, or a Lutheran. (Christopher Walken) "Brenda, I don't want to lie to you anymore. (Tom Hanks) "I can't stop, it's my job.". (Christopher Walken) "Stop chasing me.". (Christopher Walken) "I didn't speak a word of French, six weeks later she was my wife.". (Christopher Walken) "Montrichard, Dad.". (Christopher Walken) "Two-hundred men sitting in that tiny social hall watching her dance. (Christopher Walken) "Dad, out of all those men you were the one who took her home, remember that.". I've been fighting for her since the day we met."
Don't worry, I won't let her go without a fight. (Christopher Walken) "She's so stubborn, your mother.(Tom Hanks) "Put your shirt on, Frank.How is it we're always talking on Christmas, Carl? Every Christmas, I'm talking to you." Son - what in the HELL is wrong with you?" (Christopher Walken) "Your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, this is irrefutable evidence that the defendant is, in fact, lying.".The cast includes: Christopher Walken as Frank Abagnale Sr., Tom Hanks as Carl Hanratty, Christopher Walken as Frank Abagnale, Jr., Christopher Walken as Frank Abagnale Jr., Martin Sheen as Roger Strong, Nancy Lenehan as Carol Strong, Nathalie Baye as Paula Abagnale, Amy Adams as Brenda Strong, and Tom Hanks as Carl.Ĭatch Me If You Can Quotes Christopher Walken as Frank Abagnale, Jr. Catch Me If You Can is distributed by DreamWorks. Each episode of Catch Me If You Can is 141 minutes long. Parkes as producer, John Williams in charge of musical score, and Janusz Kamiński as head of cinematography.Ĭatch Me If You Can is recorded in English and originally aired in United States. It features Steven Spielberg, and Walter F. Catch Me If You Can is a television show that was first aired in 1970.