At the end of the growing season ripening will slow down and fruits are best picked and ripened indoors in a warm dark place. At this time of year the nights are cool and day length is short with the sun lower in the sky. Tomato fruits need warmth and moisture to swell and ripen.‘Stop and start’ growing caused by insufficient warmth and fluctuating temperatures or moisture levels can harm the fruits.Although watering in dry spells will help, in periods of heavy rain there is no remedy for the damaging effects of flooding, which often leads to fruit splitting and cracking. Prompt harvesting of fruits may reduce losses. Water supply can be especially variable in growing bags and pots, and this requires regular monitoring both in the greenhouse and outside. Outdoors, variations in rainfall may cause damage.

Russeting (a rough skin surface) and superficial marks are caused by variable temperatures, whereas cracking and splitting are due to fluctuations in soil moisture.It tends to occur early in summer, declining as the nights become warmer in late summer. The ‘catfacing’ symptom is due to temperatures fluctuating too widely early in the season as the fruit is setting.