On top of this, Evil factions have access to Siege units, able to destroy Forts and other structure tiles much faster than Good armies. Trolls also have powerful stats to make up for their small numbers, though certain Good ranged units counter them.

The tanks they do have though are utterly dangerous: Trolls are Large Units that at tier 3 have an ability similar to a taunt, dragging attention toward them. They tend to be more offensively oriented than Good armies, having rather few tanks. EVIL FACTIONSĮvil Factions have access to Orcs, Uruk-Hai, Evil Men, and meanest of all, Trolls. Pick this faction and pray everyone else kills each other (or the Elves!) instead of focusing on you. Directly east of them is the empty space Mordor, Rhun and Erebor are likely to strangle each other over. They’ve got Lothlorien up north, Isengard to the west, and Gondor to the southeast. Instead, they have to worry about invasions from the east, west and north, since they’re pretty much surrounded by other nations’ starting points. On the other hand, that means expanding south is difficult too, not to mention resource tiles are on the scarce side there. This means they have very defensible terrain and aren’t likely to get invaded from the south. Kind of weird that the horse-and-plains loving Rohirrim of all people end up with loads of impassable mountain range tiles and rivers. If you want action and you want it now, whether it be attacking everyone with your early army size advantage, or valiantly fighting off every nation you and your ilk antagonized later on using said powerful armies, pick these smug knife-ears. They love bows so much, they lack t1 melee infantry, but their tier 2 and 3 melee troops also pack a punch thanks to their counterattack ability. Even their cavalry carry bows, and their higher tier units often have a specialty vs large units. In fact, they tend to do the invading!Īs Elves, they start with access to Elven units, with a heavy emphasis on ranged combat. This typically means messing with them is incredibly difficult, though if they start annoying everyone then not even they can handle being crushed by their own poor starting position. Position-wise, while it seems they’re likely to be invaded from absolutely every direction, their 5% Commander EXP mixed with loads of grain means they can conscript and field larger, more powerful armies really fast. Lothlorien’s areas are lush with forest tiles and grain tiles, but have very few stone and ore tiles. Just remember though, just because you’re all Good guys doesn’t mean you’re allies: In fact, you’re more likely to fight the Lothlorien Elves early on than any of the Evil factions, due to their positioning.

Unfortunately, they are sorely lacking in siege options and need to find Neutral structures, in particular Beorning camps if they want to tear forts down with any decent speed.įighting them in open combat is dangerous, though they have a much more difficult time destroying fortifications. Having access to Numenorians, Rohirrim, Elves and Dwarves, the Good factions have the advantage of having tanky Numenorian and Dwarven troops mixed with good DPS units in Elven Heralds and rather generalist archery units. It’d be pretty weird if you spawn in Rhun’s deserts as a Dwarf, though if Erebor took the local control point, it’s entirely possible. This guide is most applicable early in the season, as joining later on means you might end up in an unexpected starting position thanks to your faction capturing more control points. Lothlorien has to be aggressive to gain the exp and land needed to stave off the eventual death sandwich coming after them, among other things. Mordor is utterly surrounded by mountains making defense very easy.

Lindon is forced to fight through Arnor and Angmar just to get anywhere east. For one thing, being a Lothlorien Elf is suffering for both you and the enemies around you, as not only are you likely to be stronger than your foes, you’re also completely surrounded by them! Your positioning on the map determines your whole faction’s (You and other players who picked the same nation as you) goals and how everyone goes about them. The terrain factions start with is very important, and so is taking note of their neighbors.